Patti Smith, Literally - Maggie Rowe - History of Cool
Maggie Rowe tells us how her lifelong fascination with Patti Smith began with the opening line of "Gloria." She explains how proper use of the word "literally" could improve the world.
Maggie Rowe tells us how her lifelong fascination with Patti Smith began with the opening line of "Gloria." She explains how proper use of the word "literally" could improve the world.
Jack Rudy talks about his love for his vintage motorcycle, the longevity of coolness, and how if everyone was cool at once it might seem like a totalitarian dictatorship.
Allan Havey tells us how the beach, the woods and the moon are cool, how some things will always be cool and some things will never be cool, and about how cool the world already is.
Dorian Frankel tells us how people who are present and authentic are the coolest. She talks about the difference between people who don't want anything from you versus the people who only want something from you, and how acting cool and being cool are not the same thing.
Penelope Lombard tells us about the future of cool, dogs, the Fonz, and why everybody should listen to and see Free To Be You And Me.
Academy Award winning film producer Benni Korzen brings in a postcard written by Albert Einstein in 1918 to a professor in Switzerland during the first World War. He tells us that speaking your mind is cool, and that compromise is a good thing.