• Umbrellas, Levi's 501 - Three Questions with Andersen Gabrych - History of Cool

Kerouac, Lennon, Banishing Billboards - Barbara Romen - History Of Cool

Barbara Romen discusses Jack Kerouac, John Lennon and banishing all billboards.

Manuel Rebollo - Three Questions with Heechae Chon - History of Cool

Heechae Chon tell us about graphic artist Manuel Rebollo, how cool is individual and collective, and how being green is cool.

Jonathan Winters and Jaguars - Jonathan Schmock - History of Cool

Jonathan Schmock talks about the father of improvisational comedy, Jonathan Winters. He tells us that his dad's friend's Jaguar was the coolest thing he'd ever seen, how cool is enduring, accepting and how if everyone traveled more the world would be a lot cooler.

Coolism - Teruko Nakajima - History of Cool

Teruko Nakajima tells us that not judging people based on their look or staus is cool, and how anything that makes you happy is cool. She hopes that "coolism" will conquer the world.

Let's Talk About Sex - Dawn Melissa - History of Cool

Dawn Melissa talks about Salt-N-Pepa's classic song "Let's Talk About Sex," and how every day should be opposite day.

Silent Films, Bodies are Beautiful - Marya E. Gates - History of Cool

Marya E. Gates tells us about a screening of "The Mark of Zorro" where the kids responded to Douglas Fairbanks like he was Johnny Depp. She talks about how bodies are inherently cool and beautiful, which is why they are seen throughout history in sculpture, canvas and cave walls.